Sun Trek Safaris Review
by Eric Morley
On the road from Treetops to Nakuru the clouds hid Mt Kenya in the distance, however just at one point the clouds parted and in the distance we had a magnificent view of Mt Kenya well lit up by the sun and I was able to catch it on the camcorder. The view will stick in my mind forever.
The second highlight was to actually be on the equator, somewhere Sue and I never dreamt we would ever be.
Safari Operator Performance
I found Suntrek Safaris based in Nairobi, on the Internet.Their overall performance was VERY GOOD, well organised and friendly and not pushy when I was choosing which company to use for our safari. They were also flexible to our needs.
The guide was EXCELLENT and knowledgeable without being over familiar. Very observant when looking for animals as we drove.
Accommodation and Food
We stayed at Treetops one night, and Flamingo Hill tented lodges near Nakuru and in Nairobi - Boulevard Hotel. All three were EXCELLENT in their own way.The staff at Flamingo Hill tented lodges showed great concern for my welfare when I was ill, from the waitresses to the co-director Alex whose surname I know not, but if anybody does, they should commend them for their meaningful concern and a superb well run facility and they have my thanks.
At all three establishments there was a good choice of food from traditional Kenyan cuisine to English favourites. We mainly ate what we knew, but the fruits particularly for breakfast were superb quality.
Halfway through our safari was curtailed by my illness. However in two days we saw at least 16 species of animal, including leopard, rhino, elephant, hyena, silver backed jackal, baboons, hyrax, colobus monkeys, zebra, buffalo, bushbuck, Thompsons gazelle, impala and warthogs.The main highlight was to see the leopard languishing on a branch 20ft above us completely at ease with 11 safari vehicles parked up.
Another highlight was on just leaving Flamingo Hill tented lodges, two silver backed jackals had just killed a baby impala. Our vehicle and presence moved them away but only 10 yards and they stood their ground and glowered at us, there was no way they were going to lose their prey.
One of the best sights though was watching four elephants chase a hyena away from the water hole at Treetops only for it to reappear behind them again 50 yards back.
The variety of animals on the flats next to Lake Nakuru was amazing, so many in such a small area, and on that game drive a rhino crossed the path 10 yards in front of our safari truck and it stopped, looked our way and decided to carry on crossing. This was the only time our driver showed concern - a short intake of breath and oooh...
All the birds were fabulous - hawk eagle, guinea fowl, pelican, blue starlings, noisy ibis, egrets, kites and marabou storks. But ultimately the flamingos were magnificent, amazing, to be there so close up made the whole safari worthwhile, no TV documentary comes close to that experience.
One big but small highlight for my wife was to see a grasshopper 3-4 inches long with a baby on its back, amazing in its own right.
Typical Day
Our two days only were totally different. Day 2 was, wake up 6 am Treetops, breakfast over by 7, delicious though, back to Outspan Hotel, picked up by our driver 09:30 and drive onwards to Nakuru and in the process climb high above the Rift Valley and view the life of Kenyan people en route.We stopped at some shops and were charmed by the people and their friendliness.
We looked down on the magnificent Rift Valley from the high hills and could also see Mt Kenya in the distance at times.
We arrived at Flamingo Hill tented lodges mid afternoon, eat well and then from about 17:30 onwards had a fantastic game drive.
Arrived back at Lodges 18:30, had a wonderful meal and retired to lovely 4 poster bed, happy.
Only disappointed in myself - it was the second time in 27 years I had contracted sickness and diarrhoea (Sods law).So I was also disappointed not to reach Masai Mara, see lions, wildebeest, ostrich, cheetah, giraffe and hippos and crocodiles in other areas and undertake a balloon flight.
Tips and Advice
Drink plenty of water, take plenty of camera batteries and make sure you have a comfort cushion for rough road travel, but most importantly take Imodium with you.A good bum bag for carrying a few essentials (camera, sun tan cream, money, wet wipes) was very useful.
Eric's Safari Details: Rating: 8/10 Safari company used: Sun Trek Safaris (make an enquiry) Parks visited: Aberdare, Nakuru including Flamingo lake in Kenya Date of safari: June 14th for 7 days More Kenya safari reviews » |
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