Self Drive Lodge Safari
by Arnaud & Céline Melchior
Arnaud Melchior from France arrived in Johannesburg on the evening of 24 September 2008 and spent one night at Africa Sky Guest House near the airport, while his wife Céline joined him the next day. They collected a rental car and drove themselves to the Panorama Route/Blyde River Canyon area:Arnaud -
The night at Joburg was OK.
On Thursday morning, Céline arrived late, we started at 11am to go to Blyde River Canyon.
The Canyon was very nice but we had to go back in the morning again because Thursday afternoon was cloudy and a little bit foggy.
Nice view, so different from what we have here.
Céline -
Due to my late arrival in Joburg, we could not see the end of the Blyde River Canyon, as gates were closed, but we got back in the next morning, so that we could see this beautiful panorama!
They then spent the night at Zuleika Country House near Hoedspruit:
Arnaud -Zuleika guest house was very pleasant, nice guy, nice view, good food, comfortable bedroom.
Céline -
Indeed, Zuleika was really surprising, with nice view of the mountains when you get up in the morning.
Dinner on the veranda with candles was also quite romantic.
From there they drove to Kings Camp in the Timbavati private game reserve:
Arnaud -Kings Camp was super. Good choice. Not crowded at all, and when we arrived the Friday we were lucky to see elephants not so far away from the swimming pool.
We saw the big 5 in 2 days, not too bad! People were very friendly at the camp and it was a really nice trip. I was quite surprised to see animals so very close.
Céline -
The way to Kings Camp is quite long so when you get there, you feel like you are in the middle of nowhere. Quite different from city life!
We really enjoyed it there. Quite intimate, very very nice place! The fact that we were very few people (in the lodge, and 6 only per car) makes it exclusive, and we feel like we are living great times!
We were so surprised to see so many famous animals, and we had plenty of time to see them either lying on the path after dinner, or hiding their prey in a tree, or kissing time with their babies, watering time in waterholes etc ....that was so great!
Our ranger was so nice, and we felt really free to ask as many questions as we wanted in order to understand the wildlife better.
We were in the same car with English and Spanish couples, then quite international. Besides, before dinner drink was a time to share between all the guests, very nice!!
Then so many images in my head and memories to remember just the 2 of us ...
Closing comments
Arnaud -It was a wonderful experience; we will come back for sure.
Céline -
Thanks again for this good organisation!
We were very pleased to see so many different things in only 4 days!
Your schedule and indications were really clear and perfect!
Also, choice of accommodation was perfect.
Then, for all that thanks again, and we will not hesitate to recommend you to our friends if they also want to discover this fabulous place!
Arnaud & Céline's Safari Details: Safari company used: African Safari Journals (make an enquiry) Parks visited: Timbavati private game reserve in South Africa Date of safari: 24-28 September (4 days) More African Safari Journals reviews » |
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