Mt Kilimanjaro Warning
by J. Rivadeneira
I'm J. Rivadeneira, a mountain guide from Ecuador/South America. A lot of years I was collecting money to realize a dream: I wanted to climb the highest mountain of Africa, the Kilimanjaro. Once travelling so far I planned as well some safaris. It is not so common, that tourists from South America visit Africa not because it is so distant. The income level here is not so good like in the higher developed countries, so it is very expensive for us.
All the safaris I did, were a wonderful experience for lifetime: I learned to know some very pictureful National Parks in Kenya and even in Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. But not only the animals in their different but everytime exciting landscape will be in my memory forever: the very friendly African people as well!!
But there was not only sunshine in my trip:
The most important part of my holidays was Kilimanjaro. So I planned it in advance.
In January of 2009 I made contact to a known and experienced guide of Kenya, called Capt. Joe via Internet.
In February of 2009 we made contact personally in Nairobi. He offers his service to climb Kilimanjaro without any luxury in a budget way for $800. I paid him $700 the 17th of Feb. The 19th we would to meet in Nairobi at the corner Uhuru Av./ Kenyatta Av. to start to Tanzania.
He never came, but sent a friend Robert Mahiuha to pick me up and Capt. Joe invented a story to excuse himself. This friend brought me to Arusha, where he had something to do with other tourist.
Capt Joe never more responded his telephone. As the guide from Tanzania Capt. Joe mentioned Brason. He responded to my calls, said that he recieved the reservation but never he recieved the money from Capt. Joe.
So I was in Arusha, Tanzania without money, I don't have cards, and without guide and any oportunity to climb Kilimanjaro...
But I lost not only my money to Capt. Joe: he destroyed all a dream. And if this guide is able to do this with a person who is earning his money in the same hard way as he, it will be more easy for him to do it with someone else from everywhere else...
All these things knows Capt. Joe! To make confidence he invited me to his home to Nanyuki. He presented me his wife and his two sons and even his cooks and porters. We talked about all! And I invited him to South America!
Capt. Joe presented himself as Joseph Muthee Kirienye
Expedition Leader
Saki Treks Expedition
POBox 674 Nanyuki
I hope what some intrested people will read this warning and maybe some agencies as well, so that my experience don't will repeat.
I denounced this at the Tourist Police in Nairobi and at the Tourist Board of Kenya, but till now there was no answer. It seems that these institutions don't have interest in people who are damaging the good name of tourism in their country and the sincery efforts of most of Africans working hard and friendly in tourism or elsewhere, improving the image of Kenya and Africa!!
J. Rivadeneira's Experience: Safari company used: Saki Treks Expedition Date of trip: February More Saki Treks reviews ยป |
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