Madagascar Tour
by Anne Smith
The warmth of the local people and their caring, giving and welcoming nature was a highlight on my tour to mainly the East side of Madagascar.
Operator Performance
I found Jenman Safaris through word of mouth.The service was good and all expectations were met by both the Jenman team and locals in Madagascar. The guide was very knowledgeable on the areas visited as well as on the flora and fauna.
The trip, locals and fellow travelling companions were great role players in making my Madagascar trip one that I will never forget and I will definitely book another trip with Jenman African safaris in the future.
Accommodation and Food
We stayed at the Vakona Forest Lodge - Andasibe, Boraha Village - St Marie and La Petite Traversee - Ille aux Nautte.The accommodation was good - clean and comfortable.
A typical breakfast was French rolls and jam. Lunch and dinner were usually seafood.
Lemurs!!!! We saw different types of lemurs - brown lemurs, Indri Indri's to name a few.I also saw chameleons, frogs and some beautiful butterflies, etc.
Typical Day
I would wake up to the tranquil sound of the ocean and the fresh scent of sea breeze, followed by a good breakfast.After breakfast we would tour the island, see many beautiful and breathtaking icons of Madagascar.
Then we would have lunch and do some more adventure touring and end our day with dinner and some relaxation.
We also visited a local village close to Tamatave.
Tips and Advice
The only thing that was a bit disappointing was the odd day where we experienced some heavy rainfall - it was mother nature's doing, so it was unforeseen. It was an experience on its own to experience rain in Madagascar.I would advise people to add some time in St Marie - it's idyllic!!
My sun hat and sun block was definitely the most useful items which I took along. It was really hot on the days that we didn't have rainfall!
Anne's Holiday Details: Rating: 7/10 Travel company used: Jenman African Safaris (make an enquiry) Parks visited: Andasibe National Park - Madagascar Date of safari: November for 10 days More reviews for this operator ยป |
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